Remote Ponds
If you have never been to the Rangeley Region take a look at a map of the area. At first glance, you will be amazed at the amount of blue you see representing the crystal clear lakes, rivers, and streams. Look a little closer an you’ll discover hundreds of little blue specs, these are small ponds. Many of them are remote and contain a healthy population of wild brook trout. At Certain times of the year these speckled beauties are eager to strike almost any suggestive looking fly presented to them. Imagine yourself hiking through the wilderness on a meandering path that leads to a beautiful little pond. When you reach the water’s edge, you scan your surroundings and discover that there is no one else around but a solitary moose feeding carefree on the opposite shore. The pond is like a mirror. You stare at the water in complete silence that is broken only by the faint sounds of the feeding moose and the trout that just rose before you. Pond in the River Guide Service has handpicked a variety of small remote ponds with the intentions of providing a similar fly fishing experience. All of these remote ponds are comfortably fished from a canoe that is often already stashed nearby or carried in by your guide. The fish in most of these ponds average 6-14” long and occasionally we are surprised with larger ones. What these fish lack in size is overshadowed by their beauty. So if you’re looking for a retreat from the popular waters of the area, let’s go remote pond fishing!